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VW – The future of parking

VW – The future of parking

VW has announced their involvement in the V-Charge project which has successfully created an automated parking and electric car charging service.

Recognized as the future of valet parking, the V-Charge system allows drivers to pull up to the entrance of a vehicle park and then exit their vehicle.

The driver then uses a smartphone to activate the automated parking process. When this happens, a digital map is sent to the vehicle to help it autonomously navigate to an open parking space.

The vehicle park prototype also has an inductive charging spot for electric cars. The V-Charge system will automatically send electric cars to this spot to recharge their batteries.

When the batteries are full, the system will tell the car to move to another parking spot so the charging station can be used by another electric car.

When the owner is ready to leave, they simply use the V-Charge app to tell the vehicle to come to the pick-up area and it will automatically drive itself there.