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Google Driverless Self Driving Autonomous Car – Video

Google Driverless Self Driving Autonomous Car – Video

SAE International, the engineering standards body, defines six levels of vehicle autonomy. These are used to evaluate the technological sophistication of any driving automation system, based on the amount of human interaction required.

Level 0: Effectively a standard vehicle that can issue warnings to the driver but has no control.

Level 1: Fairly commonplace technologies such as Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC), Parking Assistance with automated steering, and Lane Keeping Assistance (LKA) Type II. The driver must be ready to take control at any point.

Level 2: The driver must keep track of objects and events, in case the automated system fails to respond properly. However, the car can accelerate, brake and steer by itself.

Level 3: The car is capable of monitoring its surroundings and within relatively predictable contexts, such as motorway driving, the driver safely so other things – although must still be ready to take back control if needed.



Level 4: The vehicle can drive by itself in all but the most unpredictable environments. The driver does not normally need to pay attention once the autonomous system is activated.

Level 5: No human intervention is required, other than setting the destination. The vehicle is capable of driving safely by itself and making appropriate decisions.