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Two idiot road ragers cause a massive motorcycle accident – Video

Two idiot road ragers cause a massive motorcycle accident – Video

A sad case of road-rage was filmed on a dash-cam in Bangkok, Thailand.

The video clip doesn’t exactly explain why the occupants of the compact car red Toyota Yaris hatch was angry at the person in the white work pickup truck, but it does show how the situation quickly escalated with the Yaris driving erratically and dangerously trying to cut off the truck.

Fast forwrd to the 1:40 minute mark, the inevitable happened when the red hatch raced in front to confront the truck driver, with the white truck suddenly pulling to the left lane to escape causing the dash-cam car to pull a sudden move as well. A motorcyclist coming from behind paid the price for all this lunacy.

The motrcylist was thrown into the air like a rag doll before crashing on the side of another truck coming fast that almost ran over him. According to the poster, the “motorcylist suffered minor injuries”.

Technically, it was the white truck that caused the crash, but the person truly responsible for all this is the driver of the red Yaris hatch.