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Idiot with fake cop car pulls over real cop car

Idiot with fake cop car pulls over real cop car

Ah yes, the joys of making fun of stupid people. Meet 24-year-old Joshua Lynam of Milton, Florida. He figured it’d be a good idea to install red and white lights on the front of his Chevrolet 1500 King Cab. Why? So he could pretend to be an actual police officer. Oh, it gets better. Lynam set out in his fake cop truck and figured it’d be a good idea to impersonate a cop. And what do cops do? Pull people over for speeding and traffic violations.

That’s exactly what Lynam did, only the driver he selected just so happened to be a real Sheriff’s deputy in an unmarked car. The deputy noticed the flashing lights of the car behind him and pulled off to the side of the road in order to let him pass, thinking the truck was an emergency vehicle. Lynam “pulled up behind him and he pretty much did a traffic stop,” according to reports. After a few minutes the deputy requested to see Lynam’s identification, and it was Lynam who ended up getting arrested. The Sheriff’s Office suspects this isn’t the first time he’s conducted similar traffic stops in both Florida and neighboring Alabama.


Idiot with fake cop car pulls over real cop car (1)  Idiot with fake cop car pulls over real cop car (3)